راز موفقیت افراد موفق: پوشیدن لباس تکراری

راز موفقیت افراد موفق پوشیدن لباس تکراری

آیا تا به حال به این فکر کرده‌اید که چرا برخی از افراد موفق مانند استیو جابز و مارک زاکربرگ هر روز یک لباس یکسان می‌پوشند؟ این عادت عجیب به کاهش خستگی تصمیم‌گیری و افزایش بهره‌وری کمک می‌کند. در این مقاله، به بررسی این راز ساده اما قدرتمند می‌پردازیم و نشان می‌دهیم چگونه شما هم … ادامه

شروع یادگیری پایتون: اهمیت برنامه‌نویسی و تجربه شخصی من

شروع یادگیری پایتون

شروع یادگیری پایتون برای من چند سال پیش آغاز شد. اون زمان، وقتی تازه شروع به یادگیری مباحث pentest کرده بودم، فهمیدم برای ادامه کار، نیازمند یادگیری پایتون هستم. اما هر منبع آموزشی که شروع کردم، با مطالب تئوری -هرچند لازم و ضروری ولی بیش از حد پیچیده و حوصله سر بر- مواجه شدم و … ادامه

Learn English using Movies Part 7

Madagascar (2005) First, listen to what they say and try to recognize the words.second, watch it again with English subtitle.Third, read keywords and their meanings. you can also use translator tooand in the end watch it again without a subtitle. Ruined: devastated, destroyed ruined building ruined relationship Fault: responsibility for a misfortune“our mother died because … ادامه

Learn English using Movies Part 6

Sister Act (1992) First, listen to what they say and try to recognize the words. second, watch it again with English subtitle. Third, read keywords and their meanings. you can also use translator too and in the end watch it again without a subtitle. Choir: an organized group of singers, especially one that takes part … ادامه

Learn English using Movies Part 5

Independence Day (1996) First, listen to what they say and try to recognize the words. second, watch it again with English subtitle. Third, read keywords and their meanings. you can also use translator too and in the end watch it again without a subtitle. Weekend: Last days of the week.(Like Saturday and Sunday) Draging: pulling … ادامه

Learn English using Movies Part 4

Finding Nemo (2003) First, listen to what they say and try to recognize the words.second, watch it again with English subtitle.Third, read keywords and their meanings. you can also use translator tooand in the end watch it again without a subtitle. Speck: a tiny particle or spot Silly: foolish person Nada: nothing Mysterious: strange, difficult … ادامه

Learn English using Movies Part 3

The Blind Side (2009)First, listen to what they say and try to recognize the words.second, watch it again with English subtitle.Third, read keywords and their meanings. you can also use translator tooand in the end watch it again without a subtitle.for more info visit my website at http://updateshid.com Dreadful: very unpleasant, horrible, awful, very bad … ادامه

Learn English using Movies Part 2

The lord of the rings (2001)First, listen to what they say and try to recognize the words.second, watch it again with English subtitles.Third, read keywords and their meanings. you can also use a translator tooand in the end, watch it again without a subtitle. Forging: make or shape (a metal object) by heating it in … ادامه

Learn English using Movies Part 1

The Incredibles (2004) First, listen to what they say and try to recognize the words. second, watch it again with English subtitles. Third, read keywords and their meanings. you can also use a translator too and in the end, watch it again without a subtitle. Yikes: expression of shock Carnivore: meat-eater Dissected: having been cut … ادامه