The Blind Side (2009)
First, listen to what they say and try to recognize the words.
second, watch it again with English subtitle.
Third, read keywords and their meanings. you can also use translator too
and in the end watch it again without a subtitle.
for more info visit my website at
Dreadful: very unpleasant, horrible, awful, very bad
’cause: short form of “because”
Had/have someone’s back: protect them from unanticipated matters
unanticipated: not expected
Ma’am: respectful title for female authority
Sir: respectful title for female authority
authority: a person with the power to give orders. like kings, queens, bosses, managers, etc
Car wreck: badly damaged or destroyed car

Airbag: safety device to cushion impact in car

Protect: to keep safe from harm or injury
Quarterback: position in American Football
Blind side: a particular direction someone cannot see